Monday, May 9, 2011

A New Year is Underway!

After 3 LONG weeks off we started our new year of curriculum today. The girls were so excited to start their new lessons. Here is what we are learning:

3rd grade:
- My Father's World, Exploring Cultures and Countries (for bible, geography, science, reading, writing, art)
- Abeka Arithmetic 3
- Abeka Language (only using for grammar)
- Abeka Health 3
- Spell to Write and Read

- My Father's World, Kindergarten (for bible, science, art)
- Houghton Mifflin Math for K
- Alpha Omega Horizon Health for K
- Spell to Write and Read

Pics to follow tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for starting your blog. We are homeschooling the 1st grader and the Kindergarten, using parts from the MFW-K program. Most of it for K and then the units for 1st.

    I found you because I was looking to setup a workbox system with tags, because I do not have the space to use workboxes.
